Victory Park's Cafe
We opened up our Clubhouse to the public last year for use as Victory Park's Cafe. We are really pleased with the results. It is now open 9-5pm at weekends for the full service and 9-5pm during the week for ice creams and drinks, and a limited range of cakes and biscuits.
Our Club Sponsor, the Ginger Bread Man Bakery, provide the fresh cakes at weekends, also the fresh baps, bacon and sausages (Porky White's) for our signature bacon and sausage rolls.
Victory Park's Cafe is part of trial to assess demand for improved provision of hospitality in the park for park goers, so please keep using us. We have found that it has brought the bowls club and the local community together like never before.
VIctory Park's Cafe is regulated by Runnymede Borough Council's food hygiene team who awarded it with five stars.